Thursday, December 13, 2012


Well - I had a disaster in the kitchen yesterday while trying out a cookie i had found on pinterest - a mint meltaway - it looked and smelled so good while i was making although i was surprised to see 5 teaspoons of flavorings -

 i should have followed my gut and reduced it to 1 or 2 since there were 2 flavors. Anyway, I was happily arranging the next cookie sheet of mint meltaways to go into the oven when i noticed smoke coming out of one of the burners - I opened the oven and a ton of smoke came out

- i quickly rushed to take out the cookie sheets and to shut the door to my hallway so my fire alarm wouldn't go off, then ran to close my french doors into the living room, hoping to keep the roiling smoke into just the kitchen a dining room - threw open the vent over the stove, opened the mudroom door to the outside - ugh, it was awful! This is how the cookies looked
All this is to say, that I will never recommend a recipe without trying it first! I certainly don't want any of you to have this kind of problem with a recipe you see here. The same will go for crafts and DIY things I will post after Christmas - the good, the bad, the delight, the disaster!

Now non to our regularly scheduled program in the next blog - you get a twofer today!

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